Ms. Boswell's Social Studies' Page

Dear Parents,

Welcome to 6th grade Social Studies!   I am very excited to be teaching your child Social Studies this year!  Social Studies in 6th grade is learning about the ancient world and how it connects to our lives today. We will be learning  about the Historical Thinking Skills through History in this class.  How to be a Historian and the way to become good citizens of a global society. We will learn about early people and how they created language. We will also learn to think like a historian and how to become good citizens of a democracy.    There is an amazing amount of history we will be studying this year  so it will be important to keep up with assignments.  This is an exciting time period because we will be examining the  civilizations, ideas and conflicts that made an impact on us and continue to influence our lives today.

I love studying and sharing history with others because I think it is an important subject for us all, so that we will become conscious citizens and able to understand current events by using the events of the past as a guide. You will learn what historians do to understand the past and how this relates to your lives.

Please make sure that your child reads over all materials done each day every night.  This keeps content fresh in their mind and better able to take part in any discussion on the material the next day. The information learned in class fosters a sense of security in speaking out in class for clarification on items they don't understand.   Any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.

I am very excited about this new journey and bringing history alive to my students. students we will look out for the best need, with us working together in this endeavor your children will be successful.  This is definitely a partnership! 


Ms. Boswell