JROTC Portfolio

Below are mandatory requirements that must be completed by all JROTC cadets let level 1-4.

J.L. Mann JROTC Cadets must create a personal portfolio that contains an organized collection of their work based on accomplishments, personality, goals, and aspirations. The portfolio should provide insight and information on the cadet’s personal achievements and growth over time. The requirements increase in difficulty as cadets advance academically resulting in a corresponding requirement for higher quality products. The portfolio is considered as a direct reflection of the cadet’s academic ability, organization skills, and attention to detail.

Those cadets striving to obtain a leadership position should take note that it is also turned in with the promotion packet utilized in the selection of company commanders, first sergeants, and battalion leaders. Cadets may score up to 10 points for an outstanding portfolio or zero for failure to provide one to the board. Potential leaders must realize this is a dynamic collection of their work, and they should constantly look for ways to improve it. This is a good project to become an over achiever on, and develop an impressive portfolio that sells their image.

The Cadet Portfolio is a major component of your grade each semester and is worth 100 points.

To download the document click on the link below