Membership requirements

Membership in NEHS is by invitation, extended through a local chapter on behalf of the national organization. Membership in NEHS is an honor bestowed on individuals selected for their accomplishments in the field of English and in overall academic achievement.

The NEHS Constitution sets forth as minimum requirements for active membership the following:

  • attendance at the school the equivalent of one semester prior to being considered.

  • completion of the equivalent of two semesters of English prior to induction as members;

  • the achievement of a minimum overall and English grade point average of a 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) prior to induction as members; and submission and payment of the new member enrollment via NEHS Connect.

  • Members in good standing who have completed the membership requirements may purchase a NEHS cord that may be worn at the EHS graduation ceremony. There will also be a symbol designating NEHS membership next to the names of qualifying members in the graduation program.

  • You must attend at least three meetings in person in order to stay active.

  • meetings will be held in the mornings at 8:15 or in the afternoons at 3:50)6,

  • Dates of meetings: Sept 6, Nov 29, Feb 28, May 9

  • Communication- Google Classroom

  • Service hours-3 required at Eastside--opportunities will be shared via Google Classroom