
6th Grade Science Syllabus

Mrs. Elizabeth Stokes   Phone: 864-355-1714 Room 606

Email: OR


Textbook: Savaas Realize

Berea Middle School Mission:  Berea Middle School will provide an environment that balances love, support and accountability, so that students are empowered to reach their fullest potential.

Course Description:  Sixth Grade Science is an integrated course that focuses on Scientific and Engineering Practices, Life Science, Earth Science, and Physical Science. Students will have the opportunity to investigate and explore objectives outlined in the South Carolina College and Career Ready Science Standards 2021 for Science. This will be accomplished through a combination of learning methods such as hands-on activities/labs, cooperative learning groups, discussions, note-taking, problem solving, projects, and group and individual practice. This course is designed to enhance students’ understanding and appreciation for the true nature of science. In this course, students will utilize the scientific method to identify and solve problems, apply science process skills to everyday situations, work cooperatively to achieve common goals, make connections between science concepts and current events, connect science and technology using computers and laboratory equipment, make scientific connections through the writing process, and explore how the sciences are interdependent. 

General Learning Objectives:

1. To learn about and understand Matter and its Interactions

2. To learn about and understand Waves and their Applications

3. To learn about and understand Molecules and Organisms and their Structures

4. To learn about and understand the Earth's Geologic Systems and Human Activity

5. To learn about and understand the Earth's Atmospheric Systems and Human Activity

Berea Middle School Late Work and Retake Policies:

Make Up Work:

In order to receive full credit for make-up work, all work must be submitted within five school days, immediately following the absence. In cases of prolonged illness beyond five days, special consideration will be given. It is the responsibility of the students, not the teachers, to arrange for make-up work. After the five-day deadline, work will be considered late. Please refer to the Late Work Policy below. • Work assigned before the absence or field trip will be due the day the student returns. • Tests assigned before the absence will be taken on the scheduled test date or date arranged with the teacher. • If a student misses a test or quiz while absent, on the first day back, arrangements should be made with the teacher to make up the assessment within five days. • Ideally, work is made up before or after school in order not to miss more class time. Arrangements may also be made with the teacher to make-up assignments during support times. Arrangements should be made with the teacher to complete this in a timely manner. • Students are expected to check teacher websites and Google Classrooms for assignments during any absence

Make Up Work Deadlines:

Assignments must be turned in on or before the following dates: • 1st Quarter: 10-8-2022 • 2nd Quarter: 1-6-2023 • 3rd Quarter: 3-10-2023 • 4th Quarter: 5-26-2023 • Any work assigned during the last week of the quarter will be accepted through the end of the quarter.

Late Work Policy:

Greenville County Schools and Berea Middle School is committed to Building a Better Graduate by creating college and career ready students. As such, students must develop character traits that align with workplace expectations. Some examples of these include responsibility, strong work ethic, and self-direction. Students are expected to give their best effort when completing assignments and should strive to complete them by the due date. Students are expected to turn in ALL assignments and should never have a Not Handed In (NHI) recorded in the grade book. Extra opportunities are available for students to make up work through after or before school tutoring, OnTrack Time, and at other times designated by the teacher. Late work will be accepted during the unit of study or within 5 days of the completion of the unit of study. Points will not be deducted for late work.

Retake Policy:

Since the goal is for students to master content and skills, students will be allowed to retake/redo major tests only; however, students must commit to doing their part in preparing for the re-test. Students must initiate the request to retake/redo a test within 5 days of receiving the grade on the test. Students are allowed to retake/redo a major test one time. The student must submit a formal email request to the teacher explaining the rationale for the request. The student can cc the parent and grade level administrator as a part of the formal email request, if they choose. Following a re-test, the higher grade will be recorded in the grade book.

Classroom guidelines and Expectations:  

Success in the classroom is greatly affected by the conduct of those in the classroom.  The following four rules have been developed to help our students be successful.

In Science/Lab based classes:

Because we will be conducting some lab activities, it is imperative that students practice safe behavior.  They will be expected to follow the guidelines set forth on the Science Safety Contract.



-Science Binder


-Chromebook with Charger


-Tests & Major Projects =  50%

-Quizzes, minor Projects, and Assignments =50% 


There will not be any science homework besides studying for any assessments.

Grading Scale:

90-100      A

80-89        B

70-79        C

60-69        D

Planned projects:

All projects will be completed in class. There will be at least one project per quarter that will count as a MAJOR grade.

Course Outline

Unit 1: Matter and its Interactions- 4 weeks

Students explore the interactions of matter and energy. Matter is any substance that has mass and takes up space. Energy is the ability to do work. This unit includes wave properties and behaviors, heat, and energy transfer. Students may build and design a device to minimize or maximize heat transfer. 

Unit 2: Waves & Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer - 6 weeks

Students will use models to describe wave behavior.  Students will explore how waves are reflected, absorbed, or transmitted through various materials. 

Unit 3:  From Molecules to Organisms: Structures & Processes- 6 weeks

Students explore the properties of living things. This unit includes opportunities for students to conduct investigations on cells, create models of the parts of the cell, and explore how groups of cells make up the human body. In addition, students will discover how the brain responds to stimuli and stores memories. 

Unit 4: Earth's Geologic Systems & Human Activity - 9 weeks

Students explore the geologic processes that shape earth. Topics include plate tectonics, meteor impacts, weathering, landslides, continental drift, and the geologic time scale. Students will apply their knowledge by using data on natural hazards to forecast and mitigate a potential catastrophic event. 

Unit 5: Earth's Atmospheric Systems & Human Activity - 5 weeks

Students explore the water cycle and weather patterns. They will develop models to understand how the uneven heating of earth and the rotation of earth determines the climate of a region.  Students will apply their knowledge by using data to forecast and mitigate a potential catastrophic event.