Charles Townes Center Program

Charles Townes Center Program

The Charles Townes Center (CTC) serves highly  gifted and talented students in grades 3-8. Students are chosen from a three-tiered system designed to identify highly gifted students from throughout the district.

For information about the Charles Townes Center at Sterling School, please contact Deborah Foulkes, Program Coordinator at  Phone: (864) 355-4477

For more information on Eligibility and Admission, please contact Kelley Nalley, District Coordinator of Gifted and Talented Programs at    Phone: (864) 355.4821 

Our Core Values

Explore, Enrich, Excel

Explore: Students generate questions and delve into challenges that celebrate individual interests and academic risk-taking while fostering curiosity and personal responsibility.

Enrich: Student learning is enhanced through collaborative experiences which broaden global perspectives, develop interpersonal skills, and build confidence in a safe, cooperative environment.

Excel: Students begin an exceptional pathway towards autonomy, combining critical and creative thinking with evaluation and reflection.

FINAL Feb 12 CTC Open House Infographic (1).pdf