Lewell IB HotA 23-24 Syllabus

Welcome to IB History of the Americas. This course runs on A days in 3rd block (opposite IB Psychology with Ms. Ford).

This is an International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme course. Please consult my complete syllabus (Google Document linked above) for full information on the course content, internal and external assessment, and the IB learning philosophy. Linked below please find a PDF overview of the IB History of the Americas content standards to be covered over the course of the 2023-2024 school year. You'll also find the complete slide decks of teaching materials by unit in my lesson plans folder, for your perusal.

IB HotA planning guide: please click here for the full planning document with all dates for the semester

August-September: prelude to WW2, paper 2 and 3 overview, document analysis skills

October-December: the Second World War and the Americas, paper 2 and 3 practice, document analysis skills

December-January: the Cold War and the Americas, paper 2 and 3 practice, case studies

February-March: Civil Rights and Social Movements of the Americas post-1945, paper 3 practice

March-April: Paper 1 case study work - Rights and Protest (Civil Rights in the USA and Apartheid South Africa case studies)

May 10-11: IB History of the Americas HL Examination