About Mrs. Mills

 My name is Maddie Mills, and I am so excited to be a part of your child's year. I graduated from Presbyterian College in May 2016, receiving my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education. This degree makes me highly qualified to teach upper elementary grades. I also have my Master's Degree from Clemson University in Educational Leadership and Supervision. Go Tigers!!

 This will be my 9th year teaching at ENSA. While at ENSA, I previously taught 4th grade, 5th grade, and spent two years as a math interventionist. I am so excited to be back in the classroom focusing on my passion... MATH!

I was honored to serve as the 2019-2020 East North Street Academy Teacher of the Year.

Outside of school, I enjoy spending time with my family, exercising, being outdoors, and hanging with our friends. My husband and I have two children Bennett (3) and Molly (1) and two BIG dogs- Ada and Nellie. Our hands and hearts are full and we love it!

In my classroom, there are 3 core values that I teach and live by:

1) We treat others kindly. 

2) We work hard. 

3) We have a good attitude. 

I believe that although we cannot control our natural strengths and weaknesses as humans, we CAN control these three things that directly impact our lives. 

Contact Information

Email: msmills@greenville.k12.sc.us
