Parent Information

  • Read 180 Universal is a comprehensive, blended learning solution proven to accelerate the reading levels of students in Grade 4-12. It is a reading program designed for struggling readers who are reading two or more years below grade level. It provides blended learning instruction (i.e. combining digital media with traditional classroom instruction), student assessment, and teacher professional development. Read 180 is delivered in a 50-minute session that includes three small-group rotations. Small-group rotations include individualized instruction using an adaptive computer application, small-group instruction with a teacher, and independent reading. Read 180 Universal is designed for students in elementary through high school.

Grading for Read 180

Major Grades:

Independent Reading Quizzes-When students complete an independent

read book they complete a book quiz. The score will count as a major grade.

Writing Assignments-When students complete a writing assignment in the READ 180 computer program they will receive a major grade. If more than 1 is completed in a 9 weeks, the highest score will be used. If students do not complete a writing assignment in the 9 weeks they will receive a 0.

Book Assignments- Some books assignments may be counted as major grades, students will be informed before completion if the assignment will count as a major grade.

Workshop Assessments- Students will complete 2 workshop assessments this year at the completion of workshops.

Other- Other assignments may count as major grades including projects and assignments. Students will be informed of any grades that will be major grades.

Minor Grades:

Reading Log Checks - Every 2 to 3 weeks I will check reading logs for

completion and check the number of pages read. Students will receive a grade for the work in the log.

Computer Minutes - Every 2 weeks I will check the number of minutes the students worked in the computer program. The number of minutes worked will be divided by the possible earned minutes for the 2 weeks to give a score. Remember, if students are not in school they cannot get minutes. Students may work in the program at home or during the day to regain minutes lost from being out. Students are also expected to complete 20 minutes in the program if assigned ISS.

Independent Reading Worksheets- Each student will working on worksheet or writing assignment which corresponds to their independent reading book. These will be graded when completed.

Participation- Some participation grades are given throughout the year.

E-Reads- Students will complete E-Reads in the computer program and take a quiz. The quiz grade will be recorded.

Book assignments- I will randomly grade book assignments that students work in during small group time.

Other- Other minor grades will be assigned as needed.