COURSE DESCRIPTION: The course content is designed to satisfy each student’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Each IEP is specifically designed to meet each student’s educational needs. This course also enables students to receive remediation or academic assistance in their core content classes.

COURSE CONTENT/UNITS OF INSTRUCTION: My goal is to implement each student’s IEP and teach for mastery the skills/standards for their grade level according to South Carolina and Common Core standards. It may be necessary to adjust timelines/topics as needed based on student progress. Standards can be accessed through the following link:


Textbooks for Academic Courses (grades 9-12, as needed for review)


Grades are split into 2 groups: Major and Minor grades. Major grades will consist of activities such as completion of essays, transition projects, and benchmarks. Minor grades will consist of daily instructional activities. Major grades are 60% of the final grade, and Minor grades make-up the remaining 40%.

EVALUATION OF STUDENT PROGRESS: Progress Reports and Report Cards

Grading Scale: A, 100-90; B, 89-80; C, 79-70; D, 69-60; F, 59-below

Student Records: teacher grade book, examples of student’s work, parent contacts, copies of progress reports, and report cards

CLASSWORK POLICY: Classwork is to be completed in class. Prior to turning in their work, students must make sure they have put their name and the date in the upper right hand corner of the page. Each class has a tray in which they are to turn in their work, unless otherwise specified by the teacher. Incomplete classwork becomes homework.

HOMEWORK POLICY: Homework will be given as needed.

MISSED WORK/MAKE-UP POLICY: It is the student’s responsibility to find and acquire missed assignments. If a student is out for more than one day, please contact the Guidance Office to obtain assignments that have been missed.

LATE ASSIGNMENTS: 10 points off per day, max of 60 if turned in by end of unit, max of 50 if turned in after the unit

RULES AND CONSEQUENCES FOR STUDENT BEHAVIOR: Rules and consequence are discussed with students and posted in the classroom. The students are expected to do the following:


· Remain engaged without disruption.

· Treat all classroom equipment and supplies with respect.

· Show respect to others through actions and demeanor.

· Arrive to class prepared and on time.

· Reserve food and drink for the cafeteria.


1st: Warning in class

2nd: Teacher conference with student during or after class and parent contact

3rd: Detention and parent contact

4th: Written Referral and removal from class

Any severe disruptions will result in immediate referral to Assistant Principal.

A student caught cheating on an assignment or assessment will receive a zero and his or her parent will be contacted.

COMMUNICATION WITH PARENTS: Phone calls, notes/letters, emails, conferences, progress reports and report cards