Meet the Teacher

My name is Marilyn Russo and I am looking forward to working with you and your child this school year.

I graduated from Old Dominion University in Virginia where I was born and raised. I have lived here in Greenville for five years now and I love it.

I have taught first grade and kindergarten in the past. I was the part time resource teacher and part time reading interventionist here at Westcliffe Elementary before becoming the full time Resource teacher. This is my 11th year of teaching and my 5th year at Westcliffe.

Back home in Virginia I have two daughters, a grandson and two granddaughters that I miss dearly. I have a son who is in the Air Force and is stationed in Delaware. I enjoy watching sports, especially the San Francisco 49ers, Michigan Wolverines football and the Tarheels in basketball. When I am not teaching or watching sports I travel back to Virginia to visit family and now to Delaware where my son is stationed. I love to spend time with my friends and I love to research new and fun ways to teach my students.

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns, 864-350-0350 or