Spanish 2 H Parent Letter/Syllabus

Dear Spanish 2 H Students and Parents:

¡Bienvenidos al segundo año de su estudio de la lengua español! This course of study will expand your knowledge of grammar and syntax which will enable you to communicate more easily and more effectively. We will also study the geography and culture of many Hispanic countries. As each unit contains a large number of vocabulary words, it is important that you continue to be committed to daily oral practice and vocabulary review in addition to any homework assignments. It is very difficult to "catch up" once you have fallen behind the rest of the class. Fifteen to thirty minutes a day is necessary to ensure retention. 

All daily assignments for Spanish 2 H will be posted on Google Classroom. My weekly lesson plans can be found on the Google Classroom tab under the Announcements/Weekly Planner Topic or on my website. 

I will use the textbook in class at different times during the school year. I have a class set of textbooks in my room for students.   

We will read a class novel entitled La novia by Deb Navarre.  We will also extended out study of Spanish by completing a Hispanic Heritage research project, some higher level writing assessments and a Storybook writing unit.   

Students will need to bring their CHARGED Chromebook to class each day!   Students will need a three-ring binder notebook with loose leaf paper for class materials and notes. 

Assessments reflect and mirror performance-based activities taking place in the classroom on a daily basis. These assessments allow students to demonstrate what they know and can do in Spanish, showing their progress toward increased language proficiency in multiple ways using real-world tasks. Percentages are: Homework/Classwork, Class Participation and Quizzes count 40% and Tests and Projects count 60% of a students quarter grade. Each semester exam will count 10% of the semester grade. 

Late Work Policy is as follows:  In all Spanish 2 Honors courses, students have up to ONE WEEK to turn a minor assignment in late.   Once the assignment is late (i.e. not turned in during the period at the time it is collected), the student can up to 90% credit the following day, decreasing by 10% more each day it is late.   After five days, no credit can be earned.  

Class participation is of utmost importance in a language class. By actively participating you will become more involved and the class will become more interesting-and learning seems easier! The assessments will require you to speak the language, so it is critical that students take every opportunity to practice. 

The following rules will be observed in this class:

1. Be in class every day and ON TIME. Attendance is crucial to your success. Remember that credit can be denied if a student has more than 5 unexcused absences in this class. Parent notes count as one of the 5 absences, so be sure to get a note from the doctor or dentist if it is a medical absence. These notes must be turned in within 2 days of the absence. This applies to early dismissals too. You should be seated and ready to work when the bell rings.

2. Be prepared with the necessary materials every day: computer, textbook, notebook, paper, pen or pencils.

3. Sharpen pencils before class begins.

4. No gum, candy, etc. allowed.  Water is permitted.  

5. Be respectful to others. If everyone follows the Golden Rule, we will have a great year!

6. All rules in the GHS handbook will be observed!

7. Cell phones are only to be used in class when the BYOD sign is "On". The BYOD sign is located in the front of the classroom. 

8. Chromebooks are to brought to class everyday! Students are responsible for charging Chromebooks before coming to class. 

Parent involvement is crucial to student success. I want to hear from you! Parent-teacher communication is very important, as students who are struggling need to be identified quickly. Please call the school at 355-5592, or contact me at and I will get back to you as soon as possible. If you would like for me to contact you through e-mail, please write your address below. 

I am looking forward to an exciting year!


Susan Taylor