Mrs. Ruiz's Schedule

7:45-8:00- Welcome and SEL

8:00-8:50 - Math

8:50-9:35- Related Arts

Monday: Music

Wednesday: Art

Thursday: Computer

Friday: STEAM

9:35-9:50- Math (continued)

9:50-10:20- Enrichment

10:20-11:30- Reading Workshop

11:30-12:00 - Lunch

12:00-12:20- Word Study

12:20-12:40- Physical Activity

12:40-1:30- Reading Workshop

1:30-2:15- Science/Health & Social Studies


Tuesday’s Schedule 

7:45-8:00 Welcome and SEL

8:00-9:00 Math

9:00-9:30  Science/Social Studies

9:30-9:50 Word Study

9:50-10:20 Enrichment

10:20-11:30 Reading Workshop

11:30- 12:00  Lunch

12:00-12:20 Physical Activity

12:30-1:45  Related Arts- Steam & rotating schedule

1:45-2:15 Reading Workshop