
school phone: 355-5230                                 hrsanders@greenville.k12.sc.us                                         Best way to reach me is through Class Dojo

SC State Standards: A complete listing of standards can be accessed through the Greenville County School District web-site, the South Carolina State Department website.


Related Arts 23-24

Monday- STEAM Lab

Tuesday- Art

Wednesday- Music

Thursday- PE

Friday- Media/Tech

Class Rules

Have an Aloha spirit.

Raise your hand and wait to be called on.

Follow directions and the school rules.

Stay on task, remain focused and work hard.

Listen when others are talking.

Behavior  Plan

Each time a student disrupts the class by breaking one of our rules, they pull a stick. This can be for any of the following: 

Refusing (Being disrespectful, having a bad attitude, refusing to obey in class or Related Arts,  etc)

Self-Control (Not controlling themselves in the classroom, the hallway, not willing to work, not line up for recess, not follow directions, etc.)

Talking (Talking to others when it is not the appropriate time, during the music at lunch, blurting out when the teacher or others are talking, interrupting lessons)

When a student helps the class by showing positive character traits, they pick a flower. This can be for any of the following: Compliment in the hallway, On Task , Helping Others, Participating, Working Hard, Homework, or promptly Lining up at recess, they pick a flower and put it in the tide pool.

webpage 23-24 Schedule ROANE