Textbook Title: Number World: Book H (6th Grade), Book I (7th Grade), Book J (8th Grade)


Course Description: This course offers students assistance and remediation in their math skills, identify learning gaps in support of their grade level instruction in the regular Math classes.

Course Outline: We will focus on the mathematical process standards along with the grade level priority standards.

State Standards: Grade 6 Grade 7 Grade 8

Grade 6 (Book H) Grade 7 (Book I) Grade 8 (Book J)

Learning Objectives: 1. Increase student understanding, confidence, and skills in mathematics.

2.   Increase student success in the regular math classroom.  

3.   Increase student success on standardized tests.

Materials Needed: Pencil with erasers, Number World Booklets, Composition Notebook.

Classroom Expectations: Students are expected to: 

Grading Policy: Grading Scale

100-90 A

89 - 80 B

79 - 70 C

69 - 60 D

59 & Below F

Final grades will be posted as progressing or not progressing.

Late Work Policy: Students are expected to follow classroom rules and complete all assignments during the allotted time determined by the teacher. Any student who is off-task during class and/or fails to demonstrate effort toward completing class assignments may not be given extra time to complete the assignment, and may be subject to disciplinary consequences. If a student misplaces an assignment or needs extra time to complete their work after the assigned due date, the student must make a formal written and in-person request for extension with their teacher by the time the assignment is due. Late work may be accepted up to 5 days after the original due date, without a reduction of points. Teachers may deny a student’s request if the student has not used their class time wisely, and/or fails to make the appropriate request. No late work will be accepted within 5 days before the end of a grading period.

Redo/Retake Procedures:

Hughes Academy strives to provide students with a rigorous academic curriculum, balanced with multiple modes and opportunities to demonstrate their learning.  We understand the unique development and needs of our middle school learners and believe that true learning often takes place at different paces according to individual pathways of readiness.  We believe that learning from mistakes is an integral part of developing a lifelong growth mindset, and this process promotes student reflection and ownership of their learning. These beliefs, aligned with district assessment guidelines, provide the rationale for the following policy on late work and retakes:

Policy Guidelines: