Social Studies- Unites States and World History- Topics we will be studying this year in Social Studies will include:

  • Unit 1- Pre-History -Early 1600's

1. The First People in America

2. Native Americans in North America

3. Those who conquered the Americas

Unit 2- Colonial America, 1607-1780's

1. Slavery in the Americas

2. Jamestown Virginia

3. The Thirteen Colonies

4. Regional Differences

5. Pre-Revolutionary War

6. Parliament and Protests

7. The British are coming!

Reading, writing and listening comprehension will be integrated through this content area, based on each student's IEP goals. Assessments will include quizzes and chapter tests.

Science- General Science- Topics we will be studying this year will include:

  • Unit 1

1. Air temperature

2. Global and Local Winds

3. Humidity

4. Precipitation

5. Air Masses and Water Fronts

6. Severe Weather

7. Predicting Weather

Unit 2

1. Climate Factors

2. Climate Types

3. Climate Change

Reading, writing and listening comprehension will be integrated within Science depending on the student's IEP goals/needs. Assessments will include quizzes and chapter tests.

English Language Arts- We will be working on various topics in English Language Arts this year. We will begin this years novel study reading Fish in a Tree, by Lynda Mallady Hunt. Students will be learning and identifying different elements of literature throughout the year such as types of fiction, setting, types of characters, plot, theme and tone. Listening and comprehension skills will be practiced through each novel study.

Vocabulary and Spelling- At the beginning of each week, I will introduce 10 spelling and vocabulary words that we will be working on throughout the week. These words are taken from the Sadler-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop. Spelling, vocabulary, parts of speech and definitions will be taught using various activities and strategies throughout the week. Quizlet will be utilized in order to provide the students with differentiated ways of learning the material. Students will be tested each Friday on the vocabulary and spelling words for that week.

Basic Grammar will also be taught throughout the entire school year. Assessments will include quizzes, writing samples and chapter tests from the novels and Basic Grammar Text.

Math-Basic Math Skills

Unit 1

1. What is a Whole Number?

2. Odd and Even Numbers

3. Place Value to the Thousands and the Millions

4. Multiplication Facts

A quiz or chapter test will be given after each topic.