The most important classroom expectation for our classroom is that we will treat each other with kindness and respect.  We are a class family, and will treat each other appropriately.  

Our classroom is also a thriving educational environment.  We have a lot to learn, and have a lot of growing to do.  The expectation is that no students will interfere with that learning.  We will listen, follow directions, and be respectful of the learning taking place in our classroom.

Positive reinforcement is a big part of our classroom.  I love to celebrate all of the great things that the students do in our room.  We do this in many ways, one of which is punch cards.  Once a student gets a full punch card, they get to choose a prize from the prize box.  This is always exciting!

When students have been warned, and are continuing to make choices that do not fit with our behavior plan, they will put a stick in their name that means they will walk one lap at recess.  This way, they are still moving and getting energy out, but we also have time to think about and discuss how we can fix this next time.