

All students begin class with a 4. They can lose points when they choose to not follow the class expectations. At the end of the class period, students will be asked to hold up the number of fingers that they feel they earned according to their participation and behavior. If there is a conflict with what I have, we will discuss and make sure to understand their grade for the day. That will be the grade they receive for that class period.

Grading Rubric for Physical Education (Grades 2-5 will be graded using the 2 point scale with the letters M and P. K5 and 1 will be graded using a thumbs up, sideways thumb, or thumbs down scale only using the letters M and P.)

M = Meets Standards

Making satisfactory progress in skill development

Usually shows good sportsmanship and self-control

Usually shows respect for others and teamwork

Usually follows directions the first time given

Actively participates in most activities

P = Progressing toward Standards

Needs more skill practice

Sometimes shows good sportsmanship and self-control

Sometimes shows respect for others and teamwork

Sometimes follows directions

Participates in some activities