About Me

 I'm so excited to be a part of your child’s learning experience.  I would like to tell you a little about myself, my family, and what you can expect this yearI'm a 30+ year veteran teacher with a BSED and MED from the University of Georgia.  I also have a gifted and talented credential.  My daughter, Kateland, graduated from Clemson and lives in the Upstate area with her husband, Michael, and their daughter, Hattie.  My son, Chandler, is also a Clemson graduate and works for a construction company in Charlotte as a mechanical engineer.  My husband, Todd,  graduated from the University of Georgia and is a rules official for the PGA Tour Champions.  We both grew up in West Virginia where our parents still reside.  We enjoy visiting whenever we find time. 


    I use love and logic in my classroom.   This is a plan which allows choices as much as possible, encourages mutual respect, and focuses on natural consequences.  Problems are dealt with on an individual basis.  I’ll try to be fair. 


    News letters will be posted to my web site every month.  Hard copies will be sent home upon request.  The best way to contact me is by email lsatterf@greenville.k12.sc.us, but I can also be reached at (864) 355-7135.   Communication is a key factor in the success of your child, and I plan to make every effort to help us work together as a team. 


    Thank you for the opportunity to work with your child and your family this year.  I look forward to watching each student grow in independence and responsibility.  This year promises to be full of memories to cherish.