Technology Proficiency

Please be advised that some information regarding Technology Proficiency has changed as of July 1, 2022. Click here to see that document.  This includes uploading out-of-district technology hours. 

GCS Technology Proficiency Website

According to the GCS Technology Website, if you need the initial certification: Currently, seven courses have been approved and meet the requirements set forth by Greenville County Schools. These courses are offered in varying schedules each spring, summer, and fall. In addition, certain advanced degree programs and college courses have been approved to fulfill the requirements for technology proficiency. Program descriptions and syllabi need to be submitted to for review and approval

Classes can be found here

If you need to renew your certification: Once you have received your initial technology proficiency, you will need fifteen (15) hours of technology training to renew your proficiency every five years. You can see your current total by looking at your current PD records and calculating the total number of points you have in the Tech. Prof. column.

All teachers must participate in a minimum of 24 hours of professional development (PD) during each school year.

At least 12 of these 24 hours will be offered by our school.

Websites & Tools:

Out-of-District PD Credit:

When it is time, you need to complete this form for the district to show that you have earned the appropriate number of credits and send it to 

This form will be sent to the state.