Mrs. Moore

A little bit about me:

My undergraduate degree is in Elementary Education and Special Education. After teaching for two years, I worked in the insurance industry for a number of years before starting my family and supporting my family by being the at-home parent.  I went back to teaching when my boys were 9 and 11 years old.  I then worked towards my graduate degree in education, which focused on curriculum development.  

I have been teaching for over twenty years, mostly working in fourth through sixth grade.  My goal each year is to create a safe environment for my students so that they can grow academically and socially.  There is a lot to be accomplished this year, but I will try to put fun into every day.  Together, I hope that the partnership of family and school can help these children know that this year, and every year in school, is a bridge to a successful future. 


My husband and I love to hike.  When we lived in Massachusetts, we hiked to the top of many of the White Mountains in New Hampshire.  We moved to Greenville County in 2021 to be closer to his family, and have started to explore trails in North and South Carolina. 



Some of our resouces have change since last year. I will add helpful links as the year progresses. 

Parent sites

School forms