Classroom Policies

Class Norms:

1. Be fully present

2. Be mindful of communication

3. Foster a safe environment

4. Collaborate and work with a growth mindset toward our mission and goal

Classroom Expectations:

● Give me your best effort. Dame tu mejor esfuerzo.

● Do not use your phones in class. No use sus teléfonos en clase.

● Respect your classmates. Respeta a tus compañeros.

● You will make mistakes. Learning another language is difficult. Give it time. Cometerás

errores. Aprender otro idioma es difícil. Dale tiempo

If expectations are not met: 

Si no se cumplen las expectativas:

1st Offense: Intervention with Teacher. 1st Delito Habla con la maestra

2nd Offense: Intervention with Teacher . 2nd Delito Habla con la maestra

3rd Offense: Student makes phone call home (must be documented in backpack) 3rd Delito

Hablan con los padres en el teléfono

4th Offense: Referral in IMS to administrator 4th Delito Remisión disciplinaria al
