Get to Know

 Mrs. Ayers

A Little About Me

Hey y'all! My name is Lynn Ayers, and I graduated from Lee University '94 with my undergraduate degree in Christian Education and then from Anderson University in December 2018 with a Master of Art in Teaching. I have experience teaching 4th grade Math/Science/Social Studies, but this is my fifth year as a 3rd grade teacher at Cherrydale. I have been married for 28 years to Erick, and we have three awesome kids. Carly is 22 and works in the medical field.  Sam is 19, a sophomore at Lee University majoring in Advertising w/ a minor in Pastoral Studies. Walker is 15 and plays whatever sport is in season but his passion is football and golf. Erick and I are also Children's Pastors and have served in the upstate for 20+ years. We have one dog, Beau (4), our daughter's dog, Odie (2), and a cat, Kitty (1 1/2). My hobbies include spending time with my family, reading, sitting on the beach, and hunting waterfalls. As a family, we enjoy going on mission trips locally or to Honduras and Montana.

I'm in House Amistad which was the house winner for the 2022-2023 school year!  I am very excited to get to know your child this year and learn all the things they like and most importantly....watching them grow and succeed! 

A few of my favorite things:

Food: Steak

Beverage: Coyote Coffee or Sweet Tea/Water

Fast Food: Chick-fil-A

Candy: Chocolate with Sea Salt or Nerds Gummy Clusters

Color: Purple, Blue

Cartoon: Scooby-Doo

Subject to Teach: Math

Movie: Mary Poppins

Book: Stone Fox

TV show: NCIS

Place to Visit: the BEACH 

Favorite Grade to Teach: 3rd!