Student's Page


I'm very excited to have you in my class this year! You are going to learn so much and have so much fun. In order to do that, though, we as a community, need to have some guidelines in place. This page's main purpose is to remind your of our classroom expectations, procedures, and policies.


  1. Put in your best effort. My grading policies are typically based on labor. This means that if you put in the effort, in the spirit of the assignment, you will do well in this class.

  2. Ask for help when you need it. It is my job and my specialty to help you when you are struggling-- I won't be offended or annoyed or think mean things about you. Everybody needs help sometimes.

  3. Remain engaged! This is it! Free learning! Take advantage of that while you have it. If you are having a hard day, and need a little less attention that day, I expect you to give me a heads up.

  4. Come to class prepared. At minimum, this means that everyday, you should have your Chromebook charged when you enter my classroom.

  5. Keep the room clean. Our learning environment is just as important as our learning. If you drop something, pick it up; if you use classroom supplies, return them when you are done; if you drink or eat, throw away your trash in the proper places.

Rules & Consequences

  1. Adhere to The Kindness Condition. Any violation of the contract will result in an immediate referral, a call home, a serious 1-on-1 conversation, and a "0" on your assignment if applicable.

  2. Keep your phones out of sight. Per school policy, a phone violation is an immediate referral.

  3. Stay on task. You have been given valuable learning resources in the forms of your chromebooks and your peers. If you cannot stay on task or if your talking becomes a barrier to learning, the following will take place:

      1. 1st violation = warning

      2. 2nd violation = teacher conference with student during or after class and parent contact

      3. 3rd violation = detention and parent contact.

      4. 4th violation = written referral and/or removal from class.

      5. 5th violation = written referral and/or removal from class, parent contact, and loss of chromebook learning OR a permanent seat change.