Web Design

Syllabus for Web Design

Patterson Coates, Room 104

Telephone – 355-3592

E-Mail –cpcoates@greenville.k12.sc.us

Course Description

This course (1 unit credit) is designed to provide students with the knowledge and skills needed to design and develop websites sites. Students will attain skills in designing, implementing, and maintaining websites using authoring tools.

Course Objectives

The state standards for this course can be found online at:

Web Design Standards


A hard copy of the state standards for this course is available if you do not have Internet access at home.

Units of Instruction

Safety and Ethics

Adobe Dreamweaver CS6

Instructional Materials & Resources

  • Notepad ++

  • Folder

  • Spiral Notebook

  • Pencil

Greenville County Schools Grading Scale

A: 90-100

B: 80-89

C: 70-79

D: 60-69

F: 50-59

Plan for Assessing, Evaluating, and Recording Students’ Progress and Achievement

Assessments will occur during and at the end of each lesson. Daily work will consist of lesson summaries, vocabulary reviews, lesson projects, and lesson study guides. Application tests will be assigned after two or three consecutive lessons. Class projects will be assigned throughout the course and will count as test grades.

Behavioral Expectations & Consequences

Please be aware that a student’s computer may be monitored at any time by the teacher or another GCSD employee without notice to the student. A record of where the student has been on the computer or on the Internet may be given to the appropriate grade-level administrator if deemed necessary. The student should not attempt to prevent the monitoring of his/her computer at any time.

  • Students must be inside the classroom when the tardy bell rings.

  • IDs must be appropriately displayed at all times.

  • Be respectful of others and school property.

  • No food or drink in the classroom.

  • Students may not play games on the Internet.

  • No cell phones turned on or visible.

  • Remain seated until the bell rings.

The above rules are in addition to the business lab rules and school rules as outlined in student handbooks.

Cell Phones

Cell phones and accessories are not to be visible or used in my class. Students will place phones and all accessories into his or her personal backpack (not their pocket) for the duration of the class. It will be the student's responsibility to do this before class starts. The consequences are: (1) Verbal reminder that phones must remain turned off and in backpack, (2) Parents will be informed that student has been warned once before and that if it happens again, a referral will be written (3) Referral(s)


  1. Verbal Reminder

  2. Verbal Warning (mini-conference held with student outside the classroom to discuss the problem)

  3. Phone Call Home (or e-mail)

  4. Referral

The severity of the student’s behavior and consideration of any prior consequences given to the student will determine the appropriate consequence to be given by the teacher.



Most homework assignments will consist of studying for tests. Some projects may be completed at home with the teacher’s permission.

Make-Up Work

Students who miss class time or have difficulty keeping up with the pace of the class should schedule make-up time with teacher. Make-up sessions will be held as needed. Students who miss class time are responsible for checking to see if they have any work that needs to be made up upon their return to class. Students have up to five days upon their return to class to make up work.

Make-up work will only be granted for absences. If you are in class you are expected to do your work.


Cheating will not be tolerated in my classroom! Any student who receives assistance from or gives assistance to another student on an assessment will be given a zero for the assessment. If a student is suspected of cheating on an assessment and does not have proof, (i.e. assessment saved under his/her username) he/she will receive a zero on the assessment. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure he/she saves each assessment in the appropriate location and with the given filename. Students will abide by the school’s honor code at all times.


Students are allowed ten absences for the course. Any absence over ten must be accompanied by a doctor’s note or approved by the principal. The classroom door will be closed when the tardy bell rings. Students who are not in class when door is closed will report to the Attendance Office to obtain an admission slip to get into class. Students are allowed 4 “free” tardies to class per semester. Please refer to the Student Handbook for more detailed information.

Restroom/Water Passes

Students should use the restroom and get water before coming into the classroom. Students must have signed pass before leaving classroom.

Substitute Teachers

When the teacher is absent from school, students should be on their best behavior. Students who choose not to be cooperative with the substitute teacher are subject to disciplinary action up to and including removal from the classroom. Substitute teachers should be treated with the proper respect they deserve.

Communication with Parents

  • Progress reports are sent home at the midpoint of each nine weeks. Report cards are sent home at the end of each nine weeks.

  • Parents/Guardians are contacted on an as needed basis by phone or e-mail to discuss student behavior and/or student progress in the course.

  • Parents/Guardians can contact the teacher at any time to discuss their child’s behavior and/or progress in the course.

Parents have access to their student's grades through the school's portal.