
2023 - 2024 Course Syllabus: Sixth Grade Science 

Teacher Contact Information:

Name: Caroline Creel                 Email: 

Phone: (864)355-7092                  Room: A116

Textbook: Savvass 6th Grade Science Workbook; the texts stay in the classroom - students rip pages out as needed for classwork or homework. 

Sixth Grade Science Course Description:

This course is designed to introduce students to concepts in the areas of scientific inquiry, physical science, life science, and earth science. This course encourages the interaction between content and thinking processes. Students will use the thinking process with science content to plan and conduct experiments based on observations. They will evaluate their findings and draw conclusions to explain their results. Through this course, students will be able to share in the richness and excitement of comprehending the natural world. Students will solve problems creatively, think critically, work cooperatively in teams, use technology effectively, and value lifelong learning.

Learning Objectives for the Course:

Sixth Grade Science is a hands-on, investigative approach of select life, physical and earth science topics using science process skills and scientific methods. The heart of science is rooted in investigation and literacy: reading, writing and communicating. Science units have been crafted with that philosophy in mind. Scientific inquiry standards are embedded in all units of study. Literacy focus skills have been aligned to allow for the integration we are seeking. Students will utilize scientific methods to identify and solve problems, apply science process skills to everyday situations, work cooperatively to achieve common goals, make connections between science concepts and current events, connect science and technology using computers and laboratory equipment, make scientific connections through the writing process, and see how different sciences are dependent on each other. These goals are based on the South Carolina Science Curriculum adapted by the South Carolina Board of Education.


If your child is absent, please have your student send me an email at my preferred email address - In the email, please have your student detail any important information about their absence (dates, reason, etc). I will respond to the email with directions for completing make-up work within one business day.

NWMS School-Wide Make-Up Work & Redo Policy

Students are responsible for missed work in the event of an absence. In accordance with District policy, students have 7 days upon returning to school to complete missed work within the quarter the work was assigned.  Missed assignments will be noted in the gradebook as missing until complete. For example, if missing work occurred during the end of Q1 and Q2 has already started and the 7 days allowed overlaps from Q1 to Q2 the work will be accepted during Q2 because the days allowed fall within the 7 days make up time frame. If the 7 days ends on a Saturday or Sunday the assignment will be due the next school day the student is present. Recap: students have 7 days from the absence to submit missing work, no more than 7 days unless admin approval.   

Redo Policy

Late Work Policy

Schools will accept late work with no penalty to the student up to 5 days after the original due date or the end of the grading period, whichever comes first. A teacher may extend the late work acceptance deadline upon administration approval of extenuating circumstances but may not reduce the time. The work, although submitted late, will not receive a point reduction. Assessments must be about mastery of content and if graded, the goal is to assess mastery, not behaviors. Work can be accepted late across grading periods by special exception and approval of administration.  

Required Materials For Class

Recommended Materials For Class

Grading Policy

*expect 3 major grades and 8 minor grades on each nine-week report card

Units of Study


The teacher will monitor and adjust classroom procedures and schedules as needed. For specific course objectives and standards, please visit the South Carolina Department of Education at

Extra Links for Help and Clarification