Rules & Policies

Class Rules:

Grading Policy:

M- make wise choices

U- use your best manners

S- speak only when asked

I- instruments, take care of them

C- be Creative

M - meeting the standards

P - progressing toward standards



**This policy is subject to change depending on the severity of the behavioral issue. ** 

**Some behaviors require no friendly reminders if they involve disrespect. In that circumstance the homeroom teacher will be notified**

Individual: At the conclusion of each class, one student who exhibited excellent behavior and participation will be given a Terrific Ticket. 

Class: For classroom/group rewards, students will earn a "Finale Day" about once every 9 weeks. The frequency of "Finale Days" correlates with the overall classroom behavior. Better behavior/participation allows more frequent "Finale Days." Worse behavior/participation allows fewer.