World Geography Honors

All important announcements, assignments, notes, readings, and other resources will be posted to Google Classroom.

Class Code: 38bhyfj

Remind 101 Signup: World Geography Honors

Text @437k2b to 81010 to receive announcements and reminders from Mrs. McCormick.

Grading Policy

The grading scale is that set by the Greenville County School District is as follows:

A= 90-100; B= 80-89; C= 70-79; D= 60-69; F= 59-Below

Late Work Policy

Freshman Academy Honors Work Policy:

Minor Assignments:

10 points off each day it is late for 5 days. After 5 days it is a zero.

Major Assignments:

10 points off for each day it is late for 5 days. After 5 days it can be turned in for a 50, until the end of the quarter (at least 1 week prior to the end of the quarter).

Information on other important policies are found in the syllabus attached below.

McCormick World Geography Honors 2018-2019 Syllabus