Policies & Procedures


Class Time..

Students should enter the classroom with all of their materials and go directly and quietly to their assigned seat. Students shall be seated upright and feet should not be placed on top of desks. Students should place their book bags/personal items next to their seat so that it allows room for walking.

Spiral Review - Students will work on completing daily spiral review questions every class period.  On Fridays, students will submit the entire assignment for a minor grade. Students should begin working on the spiral review questions (posted in Google Classroom through MasteryConnect) as soon as they are seated.

Bathroom Passes - Students will need to complete a Smart Pass after gaining permission from the teacher. Try not to leave during times when the teacher is giving instructions or conducting a lesson.

Behavior - Proper behavior is expected at all times. Any horseplay or misbehavior will not be allowed. Please keep your hands to yourself.

Cell Phones - Cell phones are to be off and put inside of the student’s book bag. Cell phones should not be visible during any part of the school day unless given specific instruction during class to use the device for a learning activity.

Earbuds - Students are only allowed to use plugin earbuds when directed by the teacher.

Drinks - You may drink water in class. Water bottles should have a spill proof lid. Liquids should never be placed on surfaces with Chromebooks. For example, water bottles cannot be placed on desks, but need to be placed on the floor. Glass containers are NOT allowed. All spills must be cleaned by the student in order for this privilege to continue.

Makeup Work – Per school policy, all makeup work for excused absences is due within 5 days of return to school. On the day you return, it is your responsibility to make sure that you check the absent file folder and speak with me about the missed material. Once you have completed any/all missing assignments, turn them in, AND EMAIL ME that you have done so!

Class Dismissal - The teacher dismisses the class. Leave your area cleaner than you found it. Push your chair under and place trash in the trashcan.

Other Guidelines...

Be 100% sure that your paper is labeled with your name, date, and class period. Work without a name cannot be graded.

Taking a Test - During a test, talking is NOT allowed. Talking will be considered cheating and will result in a GFA and parent contact. Passing notes during a test or test period will also be considered cheating. When announced in advance, tests are due the day you return from an absence.

Test Correction Policy - No retakes or corrections on minor assessments. Students have the option to do test corrections on major assessments. Students can earn full credit back on each missed question. Test corrections are not required; however, if a student wishes to correct a major assessment, they will need to get a test correction approval.  This form needs to be singed and returned before students can make their corrections. Test corrections must be completed within two weeks of the student's first attempt. Students will need to arrive to my classroom by 8:05 AM.

Toys/Fidget Spinners - Items that cause motion and noise in class are a disruption to the learning environment. They are not permitted in the classroom at any time. If these items are out during class, the teacher will remove them from the student. The student may return at the end of the day to retrieve their item. If this becomes an incident that occurs on multiple occasions, further behavior consequences will be discussed.

Visitors - If class is interrupted by a visitor, students are expected to continue working quietly on assignments or notes. This is NOT an opportunity for you to talk or get out of your seats.

When you finish early - When you finish an assignment early, you may catch up on any other unfinished assignments for math, you can work on MATHia, or you can read silently.


RCMS 2023-24 Student Handbook.docx