1. Follow Directions

2. Be Prepared For Class (pencil, notebook, homework, and text book)

3. Pay Attention

4. Turn In Homework On Time

5. Be Kind and Respectful to People Around You, Their Property, and School Property.

Homework in 3rd grade is NOT graded but is expected to be completed at home EVERY night. 

If a student comes to school without his/her homework he/she will receive a hole punch and will be expected to turn in the completed work the following school day.

Each student will begin the week with a blank behavior card. If any of the above rules are broken, the student will receive 1 hole punch. For example, if the student did not complete his/her homework assignment (Rule 4) then the student will receive a hole punch on his/her behavior card and a #4 will be written on the Behavior Report under “Rules to work on” in their Wednesday Folder. The student must NOT receive more than 4 hole punches per week in order to be able to participate in Fun Friday. The Wednesday Folder will be sent home each Wednesday along with your child’s work from that week. Please take time to discuss both the Behavior Report and school work with your child. Please sign and return the folder by Friday.

Thank you very much for your help and cooperation as we work together to make this year a successful learning experience for your child. We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or concerns throughout the year.

Williams Class Schedule -2022-23.docx.pdf