Miss Moody's Website

Position: Biology teacher

Degree: B.S. in Biology 

Credential: Secondary Science, Biology, and ESOL 

My Schedule:

1st block: Planning 

2nd block: Biology

3rd block: Biology

Contact Information

email: nmoody@greenville.12.sc.us

About Me

I have been in the education field for 8 years now and thoroughly enjoy it! I have taught middle and high school students in a large range of subjects and topics. I have a special passion for science and want all my student to learn to think scientifically. Memorizing a bunch of facts is not what good scientist do! I believe students should learn to carry out the scientific process as well as evaluate how well others have done so. 

 Carolina High

Miss Moody’s Biology Syllabus 

Miss Moody 

Room: 0018       e-mail Address: nmoody@greenville.k12.sc.us 

Textbook: savvas Experience Biology (online version available)

Course Description

This course will educate students on the fundamentals of Biology and scientific procedure. Students will learn about molecules, protein synthesis, the cell, and cellular processes, as well as about interactions on a larger scale such as ecosystem workings. The class will be a mix of direct instruction as well as inquiry based learning. Since science is centered around exploration and experimentation, students will practice investigation of processes and phenomena. They will learn how to walk through the scientific method and to evaluate how well others have done so.  To help guide students along and to prepare them for the EOC, direct instruction with notetaking and EOC-like assessments will be a large part of our semester as well.

General Objectives - The standards covered in this course are here (starting on page 172): https://ed.sc.gov/instruction/standards/science/standards/south-carolina-college-and-career-ready-science-standards-2021-approved/

 Late Work and Redo/Retake Policies: 

Late Work Policy:    

Students are expected to turn in all assignments on time. If a student has an excused absence there will be opportunity for the student to make up that work. The student ought to approach and ask the teacher for the work and any help he/she may need. Full credit will not be given for unexcused late assignments. Without an excuse, 10% will be docked from an assignment each day after the due date. To be excused a student needs to have an excused absence from the office, or they need to have me approve the reason they need extended time before the due date.

Redo/Retake/Revise Policy:

The student must initiate the request to retake/redo a test/project/presentation within 5 days of receiving the grade on the major grade assignment. Students are allowed to retake/redo/revise each major test or assignment one time per grading period.

If you need help:

Please come see me directly. I will be more than happy to arrange a time when I can answer questions or help with assignments.

Classroom Guidelines and Expectations:




Grading Scale 

Planned Projects/Assessments

Most materials will be provided. Students will be notified about certain experiment materials needed. No one will be penalized if they do not have resources to obtain materials.

A 90 – 100  B 80 – 89  C 70 – 79  D 60 – 69  F 50 - 59 

Tentative Course Outline 

1st Quarter:

2nd Quarter:

3rd Quarter:

4th Quarter: