Attendance- Our school day begins at 7:45 am but please try to have your child here by 7:30 so that they can complete morning tasks (unpack, begin morning work, make lunch choice, etc.) Car riders can be dropped off beginning at 7:15 am. Students arriving after 7:45 am must go through the front office with an adult to get a tardy pass.

Birthdays- Due to new nutritional guidelines, cupcakes may no longer be sent for student birthdays. Your child's birthday will be recognized at school and you may send in non-food items, or a healthy alternative to share with the class. Thank you for supporting our CATCH program!

Confidentiality- Please understand we do not give out student information (phone numbers/addresses) for any purpose. (Birthday invitations to the entire class may be sent.)

Dismissal-School is dismissed at 2:15 pm. Please stay in the car line and display your child's tag with their number in the front window. At 2:45 remaining car riders will be taken to the front office for sign out.

Early Dismissal- Please send a note for an early dismissal. All early dismissals must occur before 2:00 pm and require signing out your child in the front office.

Field Trips- A permission slip signed by the parent/guardian is required for all field trips. Interested chaperones are chosen by random drawings. Siblings are not permitted on field trips.

Gym-Please have your child wear tennis shoes to school on the day he or she has P.E. We are active everyday and encourage students to wear secure shoes to school each day. No shower type flip-flops are permitted.

Homework- Assignments include a daily Reading Log, weekly baggie books, and special projects. Please read with your child daily as this helps foster a love for reading and studies have shown plays a huge role in children's literacy.

Independence- Students need to have self-help skills including: tying shoes, fastening clothing, independent hygiene and restroom skills. I will tie shoes until Christmas, after that students should be able to do it on their own.

Just In Case- Please send in an extra set of clothing appropriate for the season for possible mishaps.

Keep Up With Us- Learning is hands-on and many things happen in a day at school! Please have your child at school every day and on time to help them succeed!

Lunch-Both breakfast and lunch are free to all students at Chandler Creek. If you choose to send in lunch please avoid sending any carbonated drinks or sodas. Please refrain from sending any peanut products to school as we are a peanut/tree nut free school.

Money- All money sent to school needs to be sealed in an envelope and labeled with the student's name, $ amount, teacher name, and purpose. Money to be receipted should be sent on Tuesdays or Thursdays.

Nurse- All medication must be delivered to the school nurse by the parent/guardian for dispensing by the nurse only. Teachers do not give out any medications. Over the counter medication is not dispensed.

On the Web- Access our student handbook, lunch menus, school calendar, teacher websites by visiting Chandler Creek's Website

Perfect Attendance- Students may not have more than three medical tardies and/ or two early dismissals to receive perfect attendance.

Questions- Please feel free to contact me by voicemail (864-355-2439) or email ( and I will get back to you within 24 hours.

Rolling Bookbags- Students need to bring a book bag large enough to hold a notebook to school each day. Rolling book bags are not permitted at CCES.

Snacks- Parents will be asked to send in healthy snacks for the class once a month. Additional items may also be requested for special snacks and/ or class parties. Suggested snacks include: Teddy Grahams, Pretzels, Goldfish, Fruit, Crackers, Vegetables, etc.

Transportation- Any change in transportation home must be made in writing! All transportation changes will be verified by phone. Bus Approval must be made through the transportation department with two weeks notice.

United We Stand!- Our goal is to work together with you to make this a successful school year. Communication about your child's progress includes conferences after 1st and 3rd quarter, interim progress reports, and Benchmark Screening Scores.

Visitors/Volunteers- All visitors and volunteers must check in at the front office to receive a visitors pass. You will be asked for photo identification.

Weekly Newsletter- Our newsletter is sent home every Monday. Please read it each week for reminders, current areas of study, special activities, field trip information, etc.

EXcuses- Please send in a written excuse/doctor's note within two days of an absence. Students are permitted ten absences for the year. A doctor's note is required after ten absences.

Yes!-We need it! We welcome donations- old magazines, stationary, envelopes, paper, kleenexes, etc. If you have anything you would like to donate to our classroom please let us know!

Zzz!- Kindergarten is hard work! It is recommended that students in kindergarten get at least 9-11 hours of sleep each night. Please make sure your child is getting sufficient rest each night.

Let's work together for a fantastic year!