
Mrs. Dell's Classroom Syllabus


Teacher- Marley Dell


Phone- (864)-355-8346

Grade- 4th

Room #- 403

Classroom Schedule:

7:30-7:45 Morning Work/Dreambox

7:45-8:15 SEAL Time

8:15-10:05 ELA (with a bathroom break at 9:30)

10:05-10:50 Related Arts

10:50-11:35 Math pt. 1

11:35-11:55 Recess

12:00-12:25 Lunch

12:25-12:40 Restroom Break

12:40-1:00 Math pt. 2

1:00-2:00 Science/SS/Health

2:00-2:15 Pack Up & Dismissal

Units of Instruction:


Q1- Place Value, Factors and Multiples, Multiplication and Division Strategies

Q2- Composing and Decomposing Fractions with Addition and Subtraction, Understanding Fraction Equivalence, Recognizing and Analyzing attributes for Geometric principles, Angle Measurement

Q3- Angle Measurement, Measurement and Conversions, Solving problems using Multiplicative Comparisons, Solving Measurement problems with Fractions

Q4- Solving addition/subtraction problems with Fractions, Multiplying Fractions by Whole Numbers, Comparing Decimal Fractions,  Multi-Step Problem Solving with Whole Numbers


Q1- Building a Reading Life, Closely Reading Complex Text

Q2- Closely Reading Complex Text, Learning through Reading

Q3- Reading and Text Based Evidence, Testing as a Genre

Q4- Testing as a Genre, Developing Identities as Nonfiction Readers


Q1- Narrative

Q2- Opinion, Informational

Q3- Informational, Opinion

Q4- Testing as a Genre, Narrative

Social Studies

Q1- 1st Americans, Exploration of the New World, Colonial America

Q2- Colonial America, Conflict in the Colonies, American Revolution

Q3- American Revolution, Forming a New Government, Westward Expansion

Q4- Westward Expansion, Civil War


Q1- Energy Resources

Q2- Changes in Geosphere, Waves in Action

Q3- Energy in Motion & Collision

Q4- Senses & Survival


Below you will find the district grading scale and the weights of the grades your child will earn.

Grading Scale:

100-90 A

89-80 B

79-70 C

69-60 D

59-50 F

District Grade Weightings for ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies: 

Minor Grades = 60%

Major Grades = 40%

Homework Policy:

Homework will be to read and practice multiplication facts every night and to review/study for any quizzes or tests. They are also expected to charge their Chromebooks

Classroom Management Plan:


If what you are doing

You need to make a better choice.

If a student chooses not to meet the expectations, they will receive the consequences listed below.

Severe disruption: In the case of a severe disruption, the student will be referred to guidance and the administration of Simpsonville Elementary. If necessary, the student may be given a disciplinary referral.

Positive Referrals: This year, students will be able to earn positive referrals. I will be watching for students who are following school and classroom expectations, treating others with respect, helping classmates, and giving their best effort each day. I look forward to rewarding positive behavior daily as well through verbal praise, high fives, and other small prizes.

Classroom Reward System:

1.     Verbal praise

2.     Class Dojo points earned for class store

3.     Treats (candy, stickers, no homework passes, etc.)

4.     Whole class reward

5.     Happy call or notes home

Procedures for non-instructional routines:

Beginning of the Day: When students enter the room at 7:30, they are to make a lunch choice on the board, sharpen at least two pencils, and read the directions that are on the Promethean board. It is very important that the students follow these procedures each morning so that they are prepared for the school day.

Lunch Choice: Students should read the lunch choices on the board and place their number in the assigned area for the choice they would like.

Restroom: Restroom trips will be on an as needed basis. Students are asked to try to wait until independent work time to prevent them from missing lesson material.  We take 2 class restroom breaks each day.

Lunch: Students are expected to line up when their table is called. They should line in quickly and quietly. Students should stand in the lunch line quietly in the cafeteria.

Quieting Down the Class: When students hear me give a call such as “Super Focus”,  they should give a response and get quiet and redirect their attention to me.


When you need to contact me, you should email me at, write a note, or call my classroom to leave a voicemail at 355-8346. If you need me during the day, I will be able to answer an email faster than a phone call. 

Newsletter: A newsletter will be uploaded and updated to the website weekly.

Graded Assignments: Most grades will be digital this year, however any physical graded papers will be sent home on Fridays, but please check the parent portal to view your child’s progress. Inside the folder there will be a conduct/behavior chart that will reflect the previous week’s behavior and missing assignments. The conduct/behavior chart will have to be signed and returned with the folder the next day. Please keep the graded papers at home, unless you have questions. If you have questions about a particular assignment, make a note on the assignment and return it to school with the folder. 

College and Career Ready Standards:

To view the curriculum standards that your child will be studying this year in fourth grade, you may visit


**Note: Once you have visited the above link, you may click on the subject and grade level of the standards that you would like to view.