Ms. Driscoll's


PRACTICE FOR GREENVILLE BENCKMARK - Go to Kahoot.It (not just Kahoot)


NonfictionTextStructureFlipbookActivityPrintableDigitalVersions (1).pdf

Figurative Language

Genres & Definitions

Fiction: literature, like short stories and novels, that describe imaginary events and people.

Graphic Novel - Format where the novel is written in comic strip format.

Mystery - fiction usually involving a mysterious death or occurance that needs to be solved.

Fantasy - Typically features magic or other supernatural powers.

Science fiction - based on imagined future technological advances or social changes.

Realistic Fiction - stories that can actually occur to people or animals.

Historical Fiction - Story that is made up but is set in the past and borrows true characteristics of the time period.

Non-Fiction - Writing that is based on facts, real events and, real people and history.

Autobiography - an account of a person's life written by that person.

Biography - An account of someone's life written by someone else.


Genre Flipchart - Aug.

Example of theme question

After setting his alarm clock for PM instead of AM, Eric woke up late for school. In his haste, he forgot to pack

a lunch or bring lunch money. Eric did not mind much at the time and figured that he could just eat some of his

friend's food. During lunchtime, Eric explained his situation to the people at his lunch table. His friends were

sympathetic to his cause, but they only packed lunches for themselves, not Eric. Katie offered Eric a small bag

of carrots. "Yuck! I hate carrots. Thanks anyway," Eric said as he declined Katie's offer. Chuck offered Eric his

milk, to which Eric responded, "Is that skim milk? Ewww.... I hate skim milk. Does anyone have any chocolate

milk?" Some people at the table did have chocolate milk, but they did not want to give their milk to Eric. To

break the silence, Ben offered Eric half of his egg salad sandwich, but Eric again refused quite rudely, "Egg

salad is gross. Doesn't anyone have anything good for me?" But that was the last offer that Eric would receive

that day.

1. What is the theme of this passage?

a. Beggars can’t be choosers.

b. Don’t be a picky eater.

c. Milk will do a body good.

d. Responsibility is taught, not learned.


Have your child review what theme is.  Next, have them answer the questions on a piece of paper as practice.

Words Your 5th Grader needs to know.