Classroom Rules and Expectations

Mrs. Robinson's Behavior Plan

Our class is using a clip chart system behavior plan to track our behaviors throughout the day. There are six numbers for our behavior ladder. Each day, students will begin on the 4 (ready to learn). Students will be able to move up the ladder if they are exhibiting positive behaviors and will move down if exhibiting negative behaviors. Student will be able to move up and down throughout the day. The behavior ladder is as follows:

6- Super!

5-Great Day!

4-Ready to Learn

3- Think About It

2- Teachers Choice/ Better Day Tomorrow

1-Parent Contact :(

If a student does not make any gains on their ladder, they will owe time at recess. Students on 3 at recess owe 5 minutes. Students on 2 at recess owe 10 minutes. Students on 1 at recess owe all their recess. Other consequences are parent conference or referral (depending on severity of the infractions).

Students who clip up past a 6, clip on to my lanyard and go home on a T(teacher)! They will also go to my prize bin.

Our Classroom Rules

1. Come to class prepared.

2. Keep your hands feet, and all objects to yourself.

3. Listen while others are talking.

4. Share and take turns

5. Follow directions and be respectful.