Supply List

Welcome to 5th Grade!

I am excited and looking forward to working with you and your child during the upcoming year! Due to the pandemic and the possibility of switching between in person learning and eLearning, I have purchased notebooks and dividers for all of my students. This will make it easier for students to carry this notebook w/zippered pencil pouch & supplies, chrome book, charger, and any needed textbooks back and forth between home and school (instead of 5 individual composition books).

Listed below are the supplies your child will need. I hope by providing this list, it will save you time and money! With your help and support, we will make this a happy and successful year for your child!

glue sticks or scotch tape

crayons or twistables

Backpack — not rolling

One pair scissors blunt tip

Dry Erase Expo marker — black for student use



wide-ruled notebook paper

#2 pencils

One set of earbuds for personal use - due to the pandemic, students will have to have their own pair - can not use classroom ones

One zippered pencil pouch to go in the notebook provided by Mrs. McCall

Supplies may need replenishing throughout the school year!