About Ms. Dear


I am SO excited to have your child in 2nd grade this year! Our 2nd Grade Team has planned a lot of fun and exciting activities and lessons integrating the arts this year.

Contact Information...

Email: ldear@greenville.k12.sc.us

Phone: 355-8422

Teaching Career

I was so fortunate to start my teaching career at Stone Elementary School. It sometimes seems just like yesterday when I started at this wonderful school. When I first came to Stone it was considered an inner-city school and did not have a very positive image. But, being 23 years old and working with some of the city’s poorest children, felt like the perfect job! I loved the inner-city children and the life lessons they taught me. Then I was fortunate again to be on a team of teachers to explore successful magnet art schools in SC and NC. The rest is history as Stone became Greenville’s elementary magnet school of the arts. It felt like I moved to a new school – so innovative and exciting – and yet all my friends went with me, too. Over my career at Stone I have taught second and third grades. Amazingly, each year Stone becomes even more awesome than the year before!


I grew up in Greenville and attended Sara Collins Elementary, Beck Middle School, and JL Mann High School. I have one daughter, Brianne. She is a graduate of Clemson University and was a senior Marketing Director for Extended Stay, before deciding to be a stay-at-home mom. She and her husband have two sons and one daughter - Davis, Mills, and Campbell. I absolutely LOVE being their Mimi!!

I am a graduate of the University of Kentucky - GO WILDCATS!! – and I have a Master's Degree from Furman University. I am constantly in search of new and better ways to improve my teaching. My spare time is often filled with reading the newest research on best teaching practices and attending classes or going on professional visits.

I think teaching is the greatest job anyone could have! It's one of the reasons that the day zips by so quickly. Teaching second graders is another reason. I enjoy watching the students make new discoveries, especially when you can literally see the expressions on their faces as they learn something new. The children are truly treasures and I thank you so much for sharing your precious child with me this year!