Welcome to Mrs. Vierow's website!

Room 319

Students, do you need some help? 

            Arrange a time to meet before school, email me, call 355.3537, or request a Meet after school!

Welcome to my class site! I earned degrees in Family and Consumer Science and English at San Diego Christian College and Humboldt State University.  I've taught here at the home of the Rams for 30 years, actually on every floor as I taught FACS classes, Freshman Success, and now English. I grew up in California, but I went on a blind date while visiting family here in Simpsonville and my date, Dan, and I have been married for 30 years. Our son, Jackson, will be deploying in June so part of my heart will be across the world soon. Go Army! 

I first fell in love with reading and writing when my parents decided not to have a TV in our home; I feel because of their decision that I more quickly discovered books like The Hobbit, The Hiding Place, and Christy as well as the power of a personal journal. My first goal for every one of my students this year is that they fall in love with reading, and, if not in love, that they come to find some pleasure or escape in it; my second goal is that each student feels they can articulate how his or her skills were developed in written expression. Welcome to Creative Writing and English 2 :  It's going to be a great year! 

Contact Information  

Email is the quickest way to reach me:  lvierow@greenville.k12.sc.us or my classroom phone at which you can leave me a message:  355.3537

Daily Schedule (1st Semester)

1st block:  Creative Writing

 2nd block:  English 2 CP

 3rd block:  English 2 CP

  4th period:  Plan

Daily Schedule (2nd Semester)

 1st block:  Plan

 2nd block:  Creative Writing

 3rd block:  English 2 H 

4th block:  English 2 H    


Would you be willing to help our class?  We always need: 

Thank you!

Creative Writing Lesson Plans 

English 2 Lesson Plans

Creative Writing Weekly Lesson Plan

Classroom Issues:  I've found that classroom issues rarely arise due to what is happening in class; issues generally occur due to outside pressures. A quiet private conversation, with me or a guidance counselor,  does much to restore a student. If the issue is classroom related, we'll start by discussing it, include a guidance counselor, if needed, and only in extreme cases issue a referral to an administrator.

E2 Weekly Pacing Guide

Weekly Pacing Guide