
Phone: 864-355-5596

I am so excited to work with you and your students! It's going to be a great year!

Here is the syllabus for Biology CP and Biology Honors.

First Day of School PowerPoint (List of rules and expectations for your students)

Remind 101 (CP Classes): Text @k7gk8k to 81010

Remind 101 (H Classes): Text @c2e86 to 81010

Grades in Back Pack:

  • If there is a 0 and a missing indicator on the assignment, the student has not completed or turned in the assignment.
  • If there is a "ex" or no points associated with the assignment, the student is exempted from that assignment. (The assignment does not count towards their grade.)
  • If your student is absent and misses an assignment, I will still put a 0 and a missing indicator next to their name on the assignment (even if it is a test or quiz). The student will have 5 days to complete the assignment. Once it is turned in, I will change the grade.
  • A "starter" (or bell ringer) is a review question that a student must answer at the beginning of class. The students will write down the starter's question and answer on a sheet provided. I will collect the starters every 10 starters questions for a grade. It is the student's responsibility to keep up with their starters' sheet. If a student does not turn in their starters' sheet or turn in their starters' sheet incompletely, it cannot be redone. (If a student is absent on certain day(s), it will not count towards their starter grade).
  • Students will have vocabulary homework roughly every 2 weeks. You can find the list of words and the due dates under the Biology Tab --> Vocab. The students are encouraged to use their Techbook for the definitions. Vocabulary must be hand-written.


  • If a student are absent it is their responsibility to obtain any assignments they missed while they were gone on their first day back to class.
  • They will check a designated bin for their period and see their missing work (their name will be on it). They will have 5 days to make up the work.

Late Work


10 points off per day, max of 60 if turned in by end of unit, max of 50 if turned in after the unit


a. Minor: 10 points off per day for 5 days and then zero

b. Major: 10 points off per day for 5 days and then until end of quarter to turn in for max of 50

Grading Scale:

Major Assignments (Unit Exams, Projects) - 60%

Minor Assignments (Quizzes, Classwork) - 30%

Homework - 10%

A: 100 - 90

B: 89 - 80

C: 79 - 70

D: 69 - 60

F: 59 and below