Class Expectations

Student Expectations/Guidelines - Let's all choose to be kind.    

1.     Respect others.

2.     Respect property.

3.     Be prepared.

4.     Be responsible and follow directions.  

Students’ Rights

1.     Every student has the right to a quality education. 

2.     Every student has the right to be informed of behavioral expectations. 

3.     Every student has the right to be informed of the academic requirements of his/her courses, to be advised of his/her progress, and have the opportunity for assistance. 

4.     Students are permitted to express themselves as long as the expression does not disrupt the operation of the school, is not vulgar, obscene, or profane.  

Students’ Responsibilities 

Each student has the responsibility to:

1.     Attend school daily, unless ill or legally excused, to receive an education.

2.     Be on time for all classes.

3.     Come to class with necessary materials.

4.     Complete all in-class and homework assignments and meet deadlines.

5.     Obey school rules and school personnel.

6.     Cooperate with school staff.

7.     Respect the person and property of others.

8.     Respect public property.

9.     See that school correspondence to parents reaches home.  

Positive consequences include:                                    

          Verbal Praises - Woot Woot!!  Be a Leader!!

          Fifteen minutes library time  

         Eating outside with a friend            

Consequences for inappropriate behavior

Procedure for Leaving the Room

Students may leave for breaks at the teacher’s discretion. 

** Also, please make sure to sign out for safety reasons.  When you leave our class,  your safety is my 1st priority!  I just want to make sure that you get to the library, office, restroom, etc., safely, and return to class.  Thank you!