
Who am I?

My name is Latasha Jones, and I am a special education teacher. I have taught special education for the past nine years. I am dedicated to the parents, my students, and the communities I serve. I was once a child faced with many adversities, but now I am an educated and experienced adult. With that comes responsibilities, my purpose of guiding others up against hardships and challenges towards greatness and reaching their full potential. 

Home office number :‪(864) -355-4326 

9:00-9:30 Office hours 

Room 001

Daily Primary ED Schedule 

Morning work/ 7:45-8:20

Reading (Elevate )8:30-9:20

Calendar (expectations)9:30-10:00

Recess 10:15-10:35

Math 10:50-11:20

Lunch 11:30-12:00

Science/Health 12:35-1:00

Social Studies/ Social Skills 1:05-1:30 Class meeting 1:35-2:05

Dismissal 2:10- 2:45

