
6th grade Math Syllabus: LMS 2017-2018


Miss Laura Durst

Mr. Thomas Antonik

Ms. Donnis Finet

Instructional Philosophy

Learning styles are diverse – so are individual students. As such, students will be learning through a variety of hands on, engaging, and meaningful tasks. These may include: note-taking, games, presentations, moving, writing, reading, and discussing. Math is a skill that requires constant practice: students will keep mastered skills in reviewing stations.

Description of Course

This standards-based sixth-grade course is designed to help students begin the transition from arithmetic to algebraic thinking. It includes concepts, operations, and problems solving with decimals, fractions, and percents in addition to an introduction of integers and ratios. Students will develop algebraic thinking through the investigation of patterns, the use of simple equations and inequalities to represent relationships, and the use of tables and graphs to solve problems. Throughout the course there is an emphasis on the process standards of problem solving, communication, reasoning, representations, and connections.

Learning Levels

All students will be mastering South Carolina standards for 6th grade. The exception is our GT class – these students will also be working on mastering 7th grade standards.


Students are assessed using both formative and summative assessments. Our primary grades will be coming from

Grading Scale

The following (district wide) grading scale will be used for this class:

A = 100 – 90

B = 89 – 80

C = 79 – 70

D = 69 – 60

F = 59 or below

Supplemental Materials & Supplies

§ Pencils/pens

§ 2 composition notebooks (wide-ruled)

§ Crayons

§ Student personal headphones

Grading Procedures

Semester grades will be as follows:

50% - Major tests and projects

50% - Quizzes, class-work, warm ups

Homework Policy

Math is a skillset that demands practice to achieve mastery. On average, students will have homework twice a week in math: these will be math fluency related. In other words, these may be multiplication, division, and addition and subtraction skills that should be automatic.

Absences/Missed work

Students who miss class for an excused absence have one week to make up the work. Students who miss for an unexcused absence will have one day to make up the work. Students are responsible for obtaining the work they have missed during an absence.

Classroom Essential Agreements

Teachers in this classroom promise to:

1. We will respect your ideas and your talents and gifts.

2. We will arrive to school each day with respect for you and for your learning.

3. We will work as a team to see you grow. If we are unable to do this, we will find new members of the team (parents, administration) to support you.

Students in this classroom promise to:

1. Respect the ideas and personal space of others in this room.

2. Arrive prepared to class every single day so that I may learn and grow to my potential.

3. See every struggle as an opportunity to grow.


Our class rules are simple but critical:

1. Follow directions quickly

2. Raise your hand to speak

3. Signal to leave your seat

4. Make smart choices

5. Make you, your family, your teacher, and classmates proud.

From the Student Handbook

ALL students must wear an ID badge.

ALL students must carry their agenda.

ALL students must abide by the dress code.

School-Wide Discipline Plan

Specific rules and policies regarding discipline can be found on the school district website and in our student agenda.. The steps are:

1. Warning

2. Lunch Detention with a Parent Phone Call

3. Teacher Detention with a Parent Phone Call

4. Teacher Detention with a Parent Phone Call

5. Office referral

Additional student behavior guidelines may be found in the student handbook.

Procedures for Non-Instructional Duties

Students are expected to be on time and to have all assignments and materials needed for class. Attendance is taken at the beginning of the class period. As students enter the room, they should get to their seats, begin writing in their agenda and start working on their warm up. Students are asked not to go to the restroom unless it is an emergency. The time in between classes is considered primary restroom time. Instructional time is very important.

Parent Communication

Parents, teachers, and students work together to promote learning. It is important to me to communicate with you on a regular basis concerning your child’s progress in learning required concepts and standards. Please feel free to call me at any time. Calls during the instructional day are directed straight to my voicemail. I will always respond within 24 hours by either phone or email. You can also reach me by email. Specific numbers and email addresses are listed in the contact section of my syllabus.

Please contact Mrs. Lillie Duncan in the front office with conference requests at 355-6426.

Standards Overview – Please refer to the PDF for the standards and timing of our learning for the year!

Teaching Methods and Strategies

Each unit of study will involve homework, class work, vocabulary quizzes, and a test, project, or essay. Students will have plenty of time to review material and ask questions if necessary.

Together Everyone Accomplishes More- TEAM!