Educational Support

Teacher: Kelly Kidder Room #: 118 Email: Phone: 864-355-2893

Welcome to Mrs. Kidder’s Ed Support Class! This is my fourth year at Eastside but my first year as an Ed Support and inclusion teacher. I spent the previous three years as the LD Occupational Self-Contained teacher but I'm excited for new beginnings! This fall, I will be taking a leave of absence as I am expecting my third child in October. I will be returning back to work sometime in January. While I am out, the same schedule and expectations will be followed. As the time approaches, I will send home contact information for my long-term sub.

Tentative Ed Support Daily Schedule:

Monday- Grade conferences, organizing and student work day

Tuesday- Writing Journal, agenda check, and 20 minute tutorial

Wednesday- Solving Equations, agenda check, and 20 minute tutorial

Thursday- Non-fiction reading article, agenda check, and 20 minute tutorial

Friday- Transition, agenda check, and 20 minute tutorial

Required Materials:

1. Agenda

2. Paper/notebooks

3. Pen/pencil

4. Assignments from other classes

What is the purpose of Ed Support?

Ed Support is designed to help students in areas they may have needs. Although there will be an estimated 20 minutes of tutorial per class period, students should utilize Ed Support to get the help needed to understand the material- not to do homework because it wasn’t done the night before.

Grading: Students will receive at least 12 minor grades, which equal 40% of the quarter grade and at least 3 major grades, which will equal 60% of the quarter grade. Students will also be required to take a midterm exam for 20% of the semester 1 grade and a final exam for 20% of the semester 2 grade.