about me

My name is Kathy Intile. This will be my eighth year at Fork Shoals School.  I love working at Fork Shoals and I really enjoy working as a math intrventionist. I received my BA in Child and Youth Care at the University of Illinois at Chicago and my MS in Special Education at Long Island University. I have lived in Simpsonville since November 2000 when my husband took a position with GE.  We have two boys, Eric (25) and Scotty (18). I was fortunate enough to be able to stay home to raise my boys after we moved here. My plan was to stay home for a few years which quickly turned into 14! In my free time I enjoy reading, working out, dining out, traveling, and spending time with my family.  My favorite place to be is the beach.  I am passionate about ensuring that all children are treated fairly and are given the opportunity to work toward their potential as well as parent advocacy.