
Reading: Students will benefit from reading at least 20 minutes daily. They can choose to read anything they are interested in since everything helps with fluency and comprehension.

Math: A brief review of activities covered in class each day, a review of previous units, or a preview of upcoming units. If needed, a description for activities and examples will be included. Practicing basic math facts will ensure your child becomes quicker, more confident, and more correct with the basic foundation of addition and subtraction. This will scaffold into basic multiplication and division as the time goes on.

Spelling: Spelling activities need to be practiced at home to boost mastery of high frequency words

Other: Occasionally additional homework may be sent home related to Science, Social Studies, or other projects that are being completed in class.

"Study Hall": Students will be provided with WIN time each day. I will be available to help students as needed during this time. WIN stands for What I Need. Students will be able to work on a variety of different activities, some make-up work or when extra time is needed to complete, some for enrichment, and some for remediation.