Phone: 864-355-4239
*Please remember that all classroom phones go straight to voicemail during school hours. If you call during that time, please leave a message and I will get back to you within 24 hours!
** Due to our phones going straight to voicemail, it is best to contact me via SeeSaw or email throughout the school day!
Greenville County Grading Scale:
A: 100-90
B: 89-80
C: 79-70
D: 69-60
F: 59 and below
*You can quickly and easily see updates to your child's weekly grades in Parent Backpack. Please let me know if you need any assistance signing up!
Packets will be sent home each Friday with the back of the paper needing to be signed and returned the following Monday (or next school day). You can keep the graded work as well as any other school information that was sent home in the packet unless otherwise stated. All assessments given electronically will have the grades updated in Backpack.
Homework and makeup work:
Homework may be sent home daily to further build on the skills taught within the classroom. Students will receive their spelling/phonics words on Monday and should be looking over and reviewing those each day.
Makeup Work is only required for graded assignments and will be given to students upon their return. Students can work on these assignments during morning work or during any free moments throughout the day.
Retakes: Students are able to retake one major assessment per subject, per quarter. Students are required to complete the retake within 10 school days of the original assessment date.
The day before a potential e-learning day, all students will come home with their Chromebooks and chargers.
At 8:00 on the morning of e-learning, I will post a schedule for the day's events and activities. During the day we will have a morning meeting Google Meet right at 8:00, and one more meeting during the day's activities which will be determined based on which part of the day students will need the most assistance completing.
Students are expected to be present for the Google Meetings as well as to complete the activities posted no later than 5:00 the afternoon of the E-learning day unless unable to do so due to inclement conditions.
All e-learning assignments will be posted in our Google Classroom under the Homeroom tab. Your child knows how to access Google Classroom as it is frequently used in class.
If you have any questions during e-learning, I can be reached both by email and through SeeSaw.
Individual Google Meets will be schedule due based on student/parent need throughout the day.