2023-2024 SyllabUS

ESOL: Syllabus 2023-2024

Dr. Jennifer Valenti

phone 355-2531, Eastside High School  

Email:  jvalenti@greenville.k12.sc.us 

Website:  http://teachers.greenville.k12.sc.us/sites/jvalenti    


1st period      8:45-10:15     ESOL - Level A 

2nd period     10:20-10:25      Announcements in 2nd period 

    10:25-11:55   ESOL - Level A

3rd period     12:00-2:05   PLANNING & LUNCH

4th period      2:10-3:40  ESOL - Level B                  


The central objective of ESOL instruction is that English Language Learners (ELLs) become proficient in English in all four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. While the ESOL standards and indicators within each of the four language domains generally reflect a progression from the easiest to the most difficult tasks for ELLs, this arrangement should be regarded as a framework for the levels of English mastery rather than the order in which tasks should be taught. The teacher’s ordering of tasks will depend upon such factors as the amount of formal education that individual students have had in their native language, the English skills previously acquired, their age, and their grade level.

The course goals mimic the ESOL National Standards for students in grades 6-12:

Goal 1:  To use English to communicate in social settings.

Goal 2:  To use English to achieve academically in all content area.

Goal 3:  To use English in socially and culturally appropriate ways.

Students are encouraged to speak as much English as possible during class.   The class consists of a large range of English proficiency levels; therefore, the teacher’s attention may be divided at times to provide one-on-one instruction and/or assistance.  Thus, students are encouraged to become independent learners with the help of the teacher and the use of appropriate resources.


A = 90-100

B = 80-89

C = 70-79  

D = 60-69 

F = 0-59

Grading Assessment of progress will include both minor and major assessments.  Quarterly grades will be determined as follows:

Major Assessments 60%    (writings, tests, projects, etc.)

Minor Assessments 40%   (quizzes, notebooks, listening activities, class participation, short writing assignments, etc...)


Behavior Expectations

1)        Be respectful and courteous to others.

2)      Respect the property of others. 

3)     Take ownership of your decisions and actions. 

4)     No eating or chewing gum in the classroom. 

5)     Use the target language (English) as much as possible.

Cheating and Plagiarism

In accordance with Greenville County School District policy, all cheating and plagiarism will result in a grade of "0" for the assignment.  This includes any plagiarism via computer/internet. 


ExcusedIf you have an excused absence, you will be allowed to make up work, tests, quizzes, and projects with no penalty.  Provisions for make-up of schoolwork missed is the student’s responsibility and shall be worked out with the teachers at the earliest time possible, but the time by which the work is completed and turned in should not exceed five (5)  consecutive school days after you return to school.

UnexcusedTeachers are not required to accept work or provide tests for students with unexcused absences.


Please contact me at the above e-mail or phone numbers if you have any further questions.