DR. Jennifer Valenti

Welcome to 

Eastside High school!


1st     8:45 - 10:15      ESOL 

2nd    10:20 - 11:55   ESOL

 3rd    12:00 - 2:05       Planning & Lunch  

4th      2:10 - 3:40      ESOL 

contact information:


Parents and Guardians,    

I thank you in advance for your support of your child's language learning this year. 

I hope you will find your son or daughter practicing the new English they are acquiring.  Please encourage them to study, practice, and use their new language daily.

I ask that you please encourage your child to do his/her best by making sure they are bringing their materials to class, participating, studying new vocabulary regularly, completing assignments, and most importantly listening in their classes and asking questions when they are uncertain

If you have any questions about your child's progress or assignments, please contact me at or 864.355.2531 and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Please check the Weekly Assignment page for current assignments, suggested study topics, upcoming test, projects, and other pertinent information.  

On the following pages and links, you should be able to find all the information you need to keep you up to date and in the "know" about our class.

Greenville County Mission Statement 

We provide educational experiences, in cooperation with the home and community, that prepare students for lifelong learning and for ethical, productive participation in a democratic society and the global community.