About Me

Hello! I am so excited to begin the 2023-2024 school year! This will be my 13th year at Fork Shoals. This year will also be my 15th year teaching fifth grade. Prior to that, I have taught fourth and second grade. Fifth graders are my absolute favorite. This is my 20th year teaching. 

I am a native to Greenville, SC. I was born and grew up here. I went to Mauldin High School and also went to college in South Carolina. I graduated from the University of South Carolina with a BA degree in Psychology and a Masters degree in Elementary Education. I love cheering for the Gamecocks!

I am married to a wonderful man named Dan Johnson. This year, we will celebrate our 12th wedding anniversary on Oct. 15th. When I am not teaching, I enjoy traveling with my husband, reading, cooking, and spending time with my family.  Dan and I have two boys, Jacob and Chris. Jacob is in 10th grade at JL Mann High School and Chris is in 78th grade at Fisher Middle School. 

Although I love traveling to and visiting new places, my favorite place of all is Greenville, SC. There is no other place I'd rather be. My most favorite things to do are teaching and learning.