My name is Cassie Reid (you may know me as Ms. Johansen) and this will be my 14th year teaching. I am married to my favorite, Johnny Reid! I was born in New York but grew up in the very northeastern corner of Pennsylvania on the Delaware River. I have two dogs, Farrah (the big one) and Lucy (the small one) and a cat, Hera. I graduated from Coastal Carolina (Go Chants!).

Bridge going into Narrowsburg, NY over the Delaware River

A few of my favorites include: The New York Giants, the beach, working out, coffee, Target, sushi, New York style pizza, my pets, reading, teaching, history, my family, laffy taffy, where I grew up (the Poconos), and laughing. 

Please don't hesitate to ask my any questions or contact me with needs.

My dad and I on one of his visits to Greenville.