Course Information



2023-2024 Syllabus

Instructor: Mr. Moore Room: 624

Planning Times: 1:40-3:15 E-Mail:

Web Address:

School Telephone: (864) 355-1438

Social Studies (Humanities) Grade 6

Course Description (Focus and Purpose): Grade 6 Social Studies deals with World History from the River Valley Civilizations until the Age of Globalization.

Learning Levels: Classes are heterogeneously grouped.

Goals: Instruction will be based on the Greenville County Schools curriculum guide and the South Carolina Social Studies Curriculum Standards. These standards can be accessed on the SC Department of Education web site: .

Learning Objectives: Students will be able to use skills such as comparison, causation, change and continuity, context, periodization, and evidence to critically examine events in World History.

Course Outline/Instructional Units for the Year:

This year, students will be studying World History through the use of inquiry. We will work on developing inquiry-based skills while studying the themes of Culture and Intellectual Development, Global Exchanges, Interactions with the Environment, Social Systems and Order, and State Formation, Expansion, and Conflict. These themes will be discussed in some of the following eras: 

Resources Needed: 

Throughout the year, students may be required to bring in other materials (such as poster board) for special projects. I will inform students in a timely manner - students are expected to record this information in their agenda and inform those at home.

Grading Scale: 

90-100: A

80-89: B

70-79: C

60-69: D

50-59: F

Grading Policy: Students will be graded upon content mastery. Late assignments will be accepted during the same quarter for a 10 point deduction, with a late work cut off a week before the end of the quarter. Past this deadline, I may not be able to accept the assignment for a grade.

Classroom Expectations: Students will be expected to obey school rules and procedures. Beck has four non-negotiables:

Students are also expected to obey the teacher’s instructions. Severe offenses may result in immediate referrals. The instructor reserves the right to modify or add to these consequences when dealing with individuals.

Procedures for Non-Instructional Routines: Students are expected to come in quietly and begin their Bell Work assignment. They will pick up their composition books on the way to their seats. Students must sign out to go to the bathroom. Once students enter the classroom, they need to remain in the classroom. Students need to raise their hand if they wish to communicate with the teacher in some way. Students should never place work on my desk unless they are specifically told by me to do so. They should await instructions for collecting particular assignments. Students may sharpen pencils before class. If they need to get out of their seat, they need to raise their hand and wait for Mr. Moore to speak to them.

School-wide Discipline Plan: Specific rules and policies regarding discipline can be found on the school website and in our student planner. Our school-wide discipline plan with regards to minor rule violations consists of a step plan designed to give parents the opportunity to assist with discipline whenever possible. The steps are:

Parent Communication

Parents will be contacted when the following situations occur:

Methods of communicating with parents include (but are not limited to): progress reports, notes in the agenda, phone calls, and parent conferences.

Homework Policy: Homework may be assigned as an extension of class activities (for those who did not finish in class).

Makeup Work/Absence Policy: Students must make up work within 5 days of returning to school. Students are responsible for making arrangements with teachers to make up work. Teachers should be contacted before or immediately after the excused absence. Students must complete and turn in the work on time to receive credit. Parents may also request assignments through Guidance for an extended absence.

It is the obligation of the student to ask their teacher about any work that they might have missed by virtue of the fact that they were not in class. Any work that was due the previous day should be turned in when the student returns to school (unless I say otherwise). Students need to ask about makeup work or turn in makeup work at the end of class. 

The instructor reserves the right to modify or change this syllabus as she deems necessary.